RainBow Color Browser
Helps you easily find just the right HTML color
Program Runs on PC
ISDN*tek offers Free
Shipping Calculator software too!
Find Color Codes.
Download this tiny little desktop program and have a rainbow of HTML color codes
at your fingertips. It's the quickest way to find just the right colors for your
HTML web page.
Have a color tag already, but don't know what color it is?
Enter the HTML color code and see the color!
The color displays in the color swatch, and if you click and drag your mouse
across the palette, the background will dynamically change too. Two text fields let you see
the colored text on a light and dark background.
Pick Colors off your Photos.
The color-picker also lets you pick colors right off
your photos. Simply drag/drop or paste a photo from your desktop
or webpage into the program. Then move the mouse pointer across
the photo to display that color code.
Free Download.
This is an unzipped version of
You will download the actual program, not an installation file,
so you will need to save it in a directory on your hard drive or
desktop where you can find it. Since nothing is "installed" on
your computer, you may remove the program by simply deleting it.
If the program doesn't run, see system requirements.
By downloading this file you agree not to distribute this program, but
you may refer others to this location. There are no hidden attachments,
adware, or spyware in any of our site downloads.

v1.01.03 (260KB)
System Requirements
- PC Running Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, etc.
- The system file MsVbVm60.DLL must be on your computer.
Locate it from the start menu ....
Start>Find>Files or folders
Named: MsVbVm60.DLL
Look in: Drive C: or all hard drives.
If the program does not run or if you have not found the
Microsoft System Files on your PC, you may download them here.
These files will be placed in your WinNT\System32 (or Windows\System)
directory if they do not already exist there.
ISDN*tek  •  PO Box 3000  •  San Gregorio CA 94074
Tel: 650-712-3000  •  Fax: 650-712-3003
web: www.isdntek.com
email: send email to us
Copyright ISDN*tek 2002-2004

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