
TagBot™ Help

What is TagBot?

TagBot is a program that makes it easier to find and edit the commonly changed data in an HTML template. The program lets Template Designers add special codes to their templates that will present an easy-to-read screen to their customers. Template users no longer need to sift though HTML code to make changes. The code is hidden and only the important information is displayed for changing.

How do I use this Program?

User:  A User does not make templates and doesn't want to sift through HTML code. A user would open the sample templates included with this free program (or delivered from a designer for use with this program), and would simply fill in the blanks for titles, descriptions, and photos. The auction code is automatically generated.
Basic Help for Template Users

User/Designer:  A User/Designer has created or obtained templates and would like to streamline redundant data entry and text changes. The User/Designer is somewhat familiar with HTML codes and can locate and mark the HTML fields to be filtered by this program. The User/Designer can use very simple tags to markup the template or can utilize some of the more advanced tags.
Adding TagBots to your Template

Custom Designer:  Custom Designers create and distribute customized templates and would like to make it simpler for their customers to change the data in the template. The data that is changed would typically include auction text, titles, photos, and perhaps some optional sections, as the look and layout of the template would remain essentially the same. The Designer would also like to include instructions that display to the customer, but that don't carry through to the final auction HTML.

General Designer:  A general designer will make very broad templates that any number of users can modify to suit their needs. They would include variations on themes - including colors, backgrounds, and borders - along with the usual titles, text, and photos, as well as sections of code that can be added or excluded. Special instructions that could be inserted for various sections would not appear in the resultant HTML code.
Advanced Help for Template Designers

Introduction User Basics Basic Markup Advanced Markup Designers

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