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Auction Image Protection

The Copy-Not code from Concho Software was designed to provide better than normal image protection for eBay auctions, while at the same time, not interfering with the buyer's ability to use other page navigation. There are many ways to capture web images, and it should be noted that no script can completely protect photos. Like most scripts, this code will provide basic image protection in only the most popular browsers, and only if the user has not turned off scripting.


My photos are hosted at (check one or more):

Add the name of your image host or website.
eBay hosted images or second host.

 The code should be added near the end of your auction code or template.
 The code should be added near the end of your auction code or template.

The code works by finding a specific phrase that is common to each photo you want to protect. This tool assumes you will want to protect all your photos, so the host/domain name is the phrase that is chosen for pagewide protection. If you only want to protect some images, then use a longer phrase that might include a pathname or even part of the image name, and that can't be found exactly as written in the name of any other photos on the page.

courtesy of eBay user shipscript
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