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Item Specifics Editor for eBay DRAFT

Create Item Specifics that conform to eBay's structured data requirements for better visibility in search. Use this tool to add the recommended Item Specifics, by category, to your spreadsheet of eBay listings. Or use this tool to preview the options available for each category. NOTE: eBay category data is country-specific.


Play with our Sample Lists:

Download the latest Category Item Specifics from https://developer.ebay.com/tools/item-specifics.
(When retrieving the data, be sure to select down to the lowest child category, otherwise your download file will be expanded to include data for all child categories.)

Drag/drop or Load the downloaded file, or paste the file contents, into the "Structured Item Specifics" text box below.

1 Structured Item Specifics  

If you just want to see this data in readable format, click the optional "Make List" button above.

Gather reference fields (ItemID, Title, Custom Label, etc) from the Item Specifics Scanner, File Exchange, Selling Manager Pro, or similar spreadsheet and paste below (must be tab-delimited at this time).

2 Reference Data

3 Build Work Grid

Worksheet will appear here

4 Spreadsheet Data


Collect your data

Collect data from two sources:

  1. eBay's lookup table of category-based structured item specifics.
  2. Your own reference data from the Item Specifics Scanner, File Exchange, or a spreadsheet.

1. Structured Item Specifics: eBay's online Item Specifics Lookup tool will provide a download file that you can open in a text editor and paste into the top window of this tool. eBay's lookup tool lists all Item Specifics for one category and includes information about whether an Item Specific can be used in a variation or only in the master record. It indicates which terms are mandatory, which terms have immutable values, which accept custom values, which are multi-selects or single-selects, and it provides a list of common values for each Item Specific name. This tool will convert that data into a header row of drop-lists with available selections. If you wish, this tool can convert eBay's data to List format for your own use, instead of building a grid.

2. Reference Data: If you don't add your own reference data, the tool will load sample data so that eBay's list will be built into usable drop-lists that will allow you to see what each contains. However, for meaningful editing, the second window of raw data should include a header row and as many rows of data as you would like to edit. The top header row of user data will be used to create reference columns in the work grid. Your raw data should include something meaningful, like the item id or item title, that can be associated with your own products or listings. Reference data from existing listings can be obtained from the Item Specifics Scanner tool and can be pasted directly into this tool. Otherwise, columns from your own inventory spreadsheet can be pasted here.

Navigating the grid

The spreadsheet grid navigation differs from a desktop tool due to browser overrides. If something doesn't perform as expected, look for differences here:

Create Reports

Create a report in spreadsheet format that can be pasted into your own spreadsheet tool for completion. While the tool provides rules on the droplists, it is possible to ignore the rules and enter invalid data in the cells. The tool does not yet check the validity of the data entered into cells, and invalid data may be rejected by eBay.