Paste Tab-delimited data — NAME and URL:
Job Cost
Because the tool does not yet know the size of each photo, a rough cost estimate is calculated based on the number of photos to zip. It is assumed each photo is a quarter MB, so a penny per photo is used as an estimate.

An actual cost will be posted after the images are zipped and the files are measured. Actual cost will be rated at 5 cents per MB after zipping. If your images are smaller than normal, or contain a lot of white background, the cost will be lower. If your images are maximum size or contain busy content, the cost will be higher.

Payment of this cost is voluntary, but we do hope you will contribute something to the support of the server. This service is probably one of the most resource-intensive and costly to our server, so we encourage you to defray the cost of its upkeep in any way that you can.
Name Size
If you have chosen to use eBay item numbers as filenames, this setting can be ignored.

Long filenames may pose a problem for some computers, or may simply become messy to deal with on your system. You may crop long filenames by setting this size.

Cropping a name shorter may cause duplicates to appear. The system will rename them and mark them in the code. If they appear, you can accept those renames, or you may want to experiment with the size setting and load some trials before zipping the data.

eBay limits titles to 80 characters, and item numbers are usually 12 characters. Thus, the longest number+filename from eBay would be 93 characters. Extra characters may then be added by the tool for duplicates and suffixes, which could extend the size by 4 to 18 more characters beyond your selection.
Batch Size
Select number of photos for each batch. Large jobs may time out on the server, so large jobs will be broken into smaller batches. Each batch will be separately sent to the server by this tool. You may adjust the size of the batches to optimize how many zip files are returned in each batch. If your images are small, more of them will fit into one zip. If they are large, fewer may fit and a remaining few may overflow into a small zip. Those remainders may be adjusted for efficiency by lowering the batch size. Batches will not split listing photos. All photos from one listing will be kept within the same batch, so batch sizes may vary from the selected value.
Zip Size
You may wish to control the size of zip files you receive based over your Internet connection. Smaller zip sizes will mean fewer images will be stored in each zip, so more zip files will be required. Larger zip sizes will add more images per zip, so fewer zip files will be required. The size will be based on your originals. After your originals are zipped and compressed, your download files may actually be smaller than these settings. So zip sizes will be approximate. If you have listings with multiple images, the tool will keep them all within the same zip and may slightly exceed the zip setting.
When importing a spreadsheet from the Bulk Photo Scanner, you will have the option to choose between the ItemID and the ItemTitle as the file NAME. You may also choose to combine and use both as the file NAME. For all other data sources, the first field must be the NAME and this selection will be ignored.
These invalid file name symbols " ? * ' will be removed. These symbols < > : \ / | and spaces, will be replaced by your "Symbols" selection. Most desktop computers will accept spaces in a file name. Some servers will require that spaces in a name be replaced with a hyphen or underscore.
When a listing contains more than one photo, an index number will be appended to each photo name. You may choose to show the index number in brackets, parentheses, or as a simple trailing number. The index will be further offset by a space, underscore, hyphen, or by nothing, as determined by your "Symbols" setting.
Load data
Your spreadsheet data from the top box will be preprocessed to look for issues and to assign file names. Items with more than one photo will be split apart and each photo will be assigned the same file name with a different index number at the end. If spreadsheet headers, or non-URLs, are found in the URL position, an error will be reported so that you can fix the problem.

If no errors are reported, you can click "ZIP FILES" to send the data to the server for zip processing.

Loading new data here will start a new job and will clear the zip-result boxes below. Save prior zip files before loading a new job.

Prepared NAME and URL list will appear here:
Zip file list will appear here after several minutes:

Do you rely on our ad-free tools? Our server happily accepts PayPal donations to help defray the cost of scanning millions of listings daily.


This tool will zip multiple online photos into one or more zip files, based on spreadsheet data.

A spreadsheet of eBay photo URLs can be sent to this tool from the Bulk Photo Scanner tool.

Your spreadsheet data must consist of at least two columns: NAME and URL

The two columns must be tab-delimited, which is the normal format when data is copied and pasted into this tool directly from an open spreadsheet. The first row may include headers. Don't worry about quotes in the spreadsheet data — this tool will strip them all. The tool will also ignore tabbed columns beyond the first two.

Spreadsheet data delivered from the Bulk Photo Scanner will include three columns instead of two, along with very specific headers (ItemID, ItemTitle, and PicURL). If listing titles are included in the data, you will have the option of choosing the ItemID or the ItemTitle (or both) as the filename (NAME) for each photo.

The NAME will be used as the filename for each saved photo. The NAME should only use letters and numbers and can not contain symbols or special characters. If any are found in the name, they will be removed and the gap closed or filled with a symbol you select from the drop list. This automatic edit could result in two photos carrying the same name. If duplicates are detected during preparation, DUP and row numbers will be added to the name. So a duplicate named football might be renamed football[DUP37].

The URL of the photo must be a valid image location. Multiple images are allowed in the same spreadsheet cell if they are pipe-delimited with a vertical line (|). Images grouped that way into a single cell will share the same file name. However, the program will append a numerical suffix to each image file. This shared filename will help group related photos that belong to a single listing. Multiple images for one listing might be named golfclub[1] and golfclub[2]. If duplicate names from related listings are found, then the duplicate golfclub[1] and golfclub[2] might be renamed to golfclub[DUP37][1] and golfclub[DUP37][2].

If you have a large list of data, this tool will break your image list into smaller batches that the tool will sequentially send to the server, and a status row of blocks will appear and change color as each batch is processed. Each batch may take approximately 2 to 15 minutes to complete, depending on size and server traffic. Multiple photos for a single listing will be kept together in the same batch and in the same zip. You can control the batch size and zip file size to optimize zipping. Each batch might produce more than one zip.

The zipped files:

When the server retrieves your images, each will be added to a zip file until 80 Megabytes (or a smaller amount per your settings) have been loaded. The file is then zipped and stored on the server. Photos don't compress very much, so the resulting file may be quite large (from 60MB to 80MB for the 80MB setting). The server will continue this way until the list is exhausted.

When zipping is complete, a list of download links will appear on the screen. Each batch will add more links to the list. When all the batches have completed, click each link to download each zip file to your computer. You may wish to download your zip files while more are being built, but doing so will likely affect your transfer speeds.

The zip files will remain on our server for up to 48 hours. If you somehow lose track of your zip list, please contact us immediately and we will try to provide you with those download links before the files expire.

Notes: If a user clicks the zip button again after a scan has completed, the zips will be duplicated as new files in the same folder. When a user cancels, it will only cancel the current AJAX batch. If more batches are to follow, they will continue past the skipped batch. We need to fully cancel the job. Should we try to add a pause and continue?

Workflow suggestions:

We recommend that each batch contain only about 800 to 1200 photos. This quantity will take roughly 2 minutes to process and will optimize the number of photos per zip (usually around 400 photos per zip if using the 80MB setting.)

We have not tested the limit of the server before a job times out, but 800 photos looks about right (1200 might work if the server is not busy).

Rather than returning all data at end of processing, the server will write back incremental data. Can this be done with Ajax? No...only as batches. Photos not found will return empty image in zip, and we will also report those onscreen as errors.