Create horizontal or vertical flyout or dropdown menus that are mobile friendly using CSS3. Online tool helps you set colors, fonts, outlines, shadows, or gradients, and generates a menu in one of 8 different configurations. Enter your menu data as CSV or within the slots provided in the tool. Additionally, the tool can produce a list of your settings and menu data for future revisions within the tool. The menu code module will contain no active content or scripts.
Terms Tabs.
Create mobile-friendly clickable or rollover terms tabs using CSS3. Paste your content into boxes and then choose the fonts, colors, sizes, and number of tabs. The tab content will adapt to page width and will collapse to a vertical list of terms when viewed on narrow devices. The tabtop code module will contain no active content or scripts.
Photo Gallery.
A rollover or clickable photo gallery can be created using CSS3 features. This tool will extract your photos from pasted code or you can enter your list of photos in the box provided. Select gallery colors and main image shape, along with thumbnail count, padding, and margins. The tricky math for a width-adaptive gallery is computed within the tool, so the gallery can easily adapt to smaller mobile screens and @media reconfigurations. The photo gallery code module will contain no active content or scripts.
Xsellx Promo Gallery.
Let buyers know that you have other items for sale by creating a cross promotion gallery and inserting a small block of code in your listings. The free tool allows basic customization of the gallery colors and design, and will hardcode your item list into the gallery; while the subscription version provides more advanced design features for full integration with your description template, along with nightly updates of listing data.
Professional Template Builder.
Easily construct a professional description template that may include such features as: drop menus, photo gallery, video, terms tabs, mobile summary, and more. Select from premade colors or choose your own colors, and add your own banner if you wish. The resulting template will be eBay-compliant and mobile friendly.
Compact Template Builder.
Create a multi-column compact description presentation that is eBay-compliant and mobile-friendly. Select from a variety of colors and configurations. Optionally add your own hosted photos that will be enlarged in an overlay when hovered. Includes text formatting for eBay's mobile summary, along with optional bullet points and specification table. Previewer for device sizes.
Pretty BordersPlus Template Builder.
Create a simple template with a flexible colored, or patterned, multilayer border that will scale to the page. The available predefined border patterns will be encoded as part of your template and will not require an image host. Optionally add a single prehosted product image or logo that will scale with the description. Template includes additional headings for your terms or other information. A "mobile summary" is not included in this template. Use popup preview to verify and test.
Pretty Borders.
Create a flexible colored, or patterned, nested border to surround your description. The available tiny background tiles will be encoded as part of your border and will not require an image host. Use the mobile-friendly "flexible borders" option and the border thicknesses will scale to the page to better fit phone devices.
Base64 Encode Icon images.
Don't have an image host and would like to embed icons, logos, and small graphics in your listing description? This tool will encode your images so that they can be inserted directly in your description template. Keep in mind that eBay's description is limited to 500K characters, so the total of all of those embedded images, along with your text and html, should not exceed that limit (500K bytes).
Code Compression.
Embedded stylesheets not functioning on eBay? Indented HTML code, and code with extra spaces, can sometimes render incorrectly after pasting into eBay's HTML description box. This Compression tool will remove some of the "pretty code" formatting (like line breaks, tabs, hard spaces, and excess white space) from the HTML source code to overcome the problems of pasting into eBay's editor. The tool can also prepare a description for use within a File Exchange spreadsheet.
Additional Resources:
Convert small graphics to Base64 to eliminate https hosting issues:
Scan your listings for active content:
Bulk Scan your listings for active content:
eBay introduction to the 2017 requirements and recommendations:
eBay recommendations for coding custom descriptions:
eBay's mobile-friendly test site:
eBay's mobile summary tags:
<span property="description">
...selected description summary...
Basic Mobile-Friendly Starter Code:
<div style="max-width:700px; margin:auto; font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:16px;">
...optional header...
<div vocab="" typeof="Product">
<span property="description"> summary...
...remaining content...
Colored Background/Border Starter Code:
<div style="padding:4%; font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:16px; background-color:gray;">
<div style="margin:auto; padding:2%; border:2px solid black; background-color:tan; max-width:750px;">
<div style="margin:auto; padding:4%; border:1px solid black; background-color:white; border-radius:10px;">
...content goes here...