Templettes - Mini Auction Templates
Compliments of the eBay HTML/Photo Board Posters

These mini templettes are designed to work as "Inserts" in eBay's listing tools.

Users with Internet Explorer or TurboLister have the auction "Inserts" option available to them. "Inserts" are code snippets that are saved by the listing tool and can be added into listings to speed entry of repetitive data. eBay has a few default Inserts, and allows users to define some of their own.

To use one, create a new Insert and add the templette. To employ the templette, select it from the Inserts list prior to adding the auction description. Inserts can be used identically on either the "Standard" tab or the "Enter your own HTML" tab.

Templettes are free for personal use and are not for designers or resale.

Learn more about Templettes and using eBay Inserts here.

Would you like to use a templette but don't have access to inserts or eBay's editor?
Click an image below to send that templette to the online editor. Pre-edited templettes will become too large to use as an insert, but they can be pasted into the HTML tab of the listing editor or Turbo Lister.↓
Instructions: Click the Preview button to see how the templette code will look in your Insert. The Editing window in the listing form may not display your templette exactly as intended. Please use the listing form's preview button to see the real results. To copy this templette code, right-click in the code box and "select all" and right-click again to select "copy". You can then "paste" the templette code into an Insert on your listing tool.

shipscripttemplette# 1 955

bumperboatstemplette# 2 798

shipscripttemplette# 3 945

*ziptemplette# 4 700

*ziptemplette# 5 755

*ziptemplette# 6 672

kitkatleztemplette# 7 802

kangabitttemplette# 8 616

kangabitttemplette# 9 616

shipscripttemplette# 10 813

shipscripttemplette# 11 923

shipscripttemplette# 12 803

shipscripttemplette# 13 944

shipscripttemplette# 14 949

shipscripttemplette# 15 898

shipscripttemplette# 16 898

shipscripttemplette# 17 962

shipscripttemplette# 18 946

shipscripttemplette# 19 854

shipscripttemplette# 20 796

shipscripttemplette# 21 673

shipscripttemplette# 22 774

shipscripttemplette# 23 662

shipscripttemplette# 24 988

shipscripttemplette# 25 987

shipscripttemplette# 26 733

More Fun Templates from the HTML Board

Would you like to use a templette but don't have access to inserts or eBay's editor?
Click the template picture to send the template to this online Editor

    Page maintained by ebay user shipscript