ADVERTISE on this tool

Need a little extra exposure?  Place your product or service in front of other eBay sellers.  Advertise at the top of this tool page for only $10 per quarter or $40 for an entire year.  Your ad will appear in a continuous rotation of 12 ads.


Advertisements must be 240 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall and file sizes should be around 10K bytes. GIF format is preferred for textual ads (for clear readability), while JPG format would be appropriate for ads that are mostly imagery. We will not support animated GIF images at this time. We may compress files or change the format on files that are too large.

Below are samples of textual GIF ads (each is under 10K):

We will host your 240x90 image and will link it to the web page URL or eBay page that you provide. If you need help creating your ad materials, please ask.



Ad content should be directed toward eBay sellers. We will screen ads for appropriateness to the site and reserve the right to reject any or all ads at our discretion.

Inappropriate Material:
  • Sexual or Pornographic
  • Political or Religious
  • Munitions, Gambling, Drugs
  • Offensive, derogatory, libelous language


3 months = $10 per ad
6 months = $20 per ad
9 months = $30 per ad
12 months = $40 per ad

Payment & Material transmittal

Make payment:

You may email the materials and instructions to our merchant email address on your Paypal receipt. Please reference the Paypal transaction number.


Please contact eBay user ShipScript.

courtesy of eBay user shipscript
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